5 reviews
16:04 13 Mar 23
Highly recommended! Josh and Sarah have been fantastic at Astute. They've found and placed me in 2 jobs now between them, both really responsive and excellent at keeping you up to speed with things. Very knowledgable about the roles and happy to talk to companies with any queries you have.
C R.
10:45 27 Jan 23
Great agency one of the best ones I've worked with! Liz has been a great help and support in helping me towards a new direction in my career life. She is very attentive and keeps me in the loop at all times! She makes the extra effort to work with my preferred requirements for work and even if it isn't completely attainable she meets me in the middle and does as much as she can to help! Also Liz is very funny might I add 😂 and I'm happy that I can now put a face to the name after all these years! Thank you again Liz for all your help and support! 😊
10:32 20 Dec 22
Josh and the Astute team was very swift to help me to find roles that matched my profile. They are really reliable and will help through every step of the recruitment process going out of their way to assist and follow up when needed. Could not find a better recruitment agency!
Helen Pinegar
16:19 18 Dec 22
Fantastic recruitment agency.. Josh was extremely enthusiastic, encouraging and clearly knowledgeable about what was needed from both the employee and the employers point of view. Extremely supportive especially in regards to interview preparation and endeavoured to procure feedback promptly. Wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Astute in the future to both candidates and recruiting businesses particularly for the right fit for the role!!!
Lisa Leigh
11:56 30 Nov 22
I have worked as a candidate for Astute and they have been excellent. Super friendly service and professional agents keen to fit the right person to the right job. It has been a pleasure dealing with them and I would happily work for them again in the future. Highly recommend this agency.
Contact us
Suite 1, Ground Floor West,Cardinal Square,10 Nottingham Road,Derby. DE1 3QT
Stanford House,19 Castle Gate, Nottingham, NG1 7AQ
'You are not alone' Stress Awareness Day 2019
‘You are not alone’ Stress Awareness Day 2019

Its National Stress Awareness Day 2019.


Some stats from the Health and Safety Executive Department figures


The UK’s economy lost a total of 12.8million workdays in 2018 solely due to stress

602,000 UK workers suffer from work-related mental issues such as depression and anxiety

44% of work-related sick days were caused by depression and anxiety



Stress Awareness Day on November 6th was created by the International Stress Management Association (ISMA). For 2019, Resilience is the theme – enabling people to employ key coping mechanisms when coping with the everday pressures of life – at work and at home.


FIRSTLY you need to gauge your own mental state – Ease that tornado of thoughts which make you start to feel anxious, take a step back.


Every Mind Matters has a five-questions quiz to help you have a clearer view of your mental health and for you to understand how ‘stressed’ you are..


Once you understand the state of your mental health you can begin to increase your resilience to your own, personal ‘triggers’.


Mental Health charities such as Every Mind Matters and Mind provide more tips but have a go at these initial tips…you will need to practice these as for many these will be outside your comfort zone. It will be worth it though!


  • BE MORE STRAIGHTFORWARD and confident when dealing with people. If others are placing unreasonable or unrealistic demands on you, be prepared to say how you feel and to actually say “no”. Practice saying no in front of a mirror. Baby steps. Work your way up.


  • USE RELAXATION TECHNIQUES – you know yourself what helps you unwind, whether a nice long soak in the bath, listening to your favourite podcast or playlist. Set aside the time to do this. Don’t put this off. It is important you have ‘me time’ to properly relax.


  • ALLOW YOURSELF TO EXPLORE AND DEVELOP NEW HOBBIES AND INTERESTS. Set aside an activity that is totally removed from anything that causes you stress. This is a brilliant way to release you from everyday pressures. You are worth it. Stress can make people feel isolated and alone, but hobbies where you can interact with likeminded souls is a great way to meet new people, forge new friendships in a ‘safe’ environment that you can trust.


  • CREATE TIME FOR FRIENDS. Talking to friends about the things you find hard is proven to alleviate stress and can increase confidence and positive wellbeing. The act of talking helps keep your worries in proportion and can help your friends too. It is scientifically proven that laughter and smiling release produce chemical reactions in your body and brain – endorphins – that will help you relax and ultimately feel better.


  • SEEK BALANCE IN YOUR LIFE. Very hard for many of us, but if all of your time & energy seems to be sucked into your job or children its definitely time to look at ways of focussing on different areas whether family, hobbies or friends. Lack of diversity in life breeds discontent and often causes the seeds of anxiety and stress to grow.


  • KNOW THAT IT IS FINE TO SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP. No man or woman is an island. All of us need to accept that from time to time it is OK to admit you need a bit of help and that may include medical support. Reach out to the NHS – they have several free therapies including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (changing your thought process through ‘re-wiring your brain), Mindfulness (ensuring you are ‘present’ and ‘in the moment’) or Ecotherapy (channelling the soothing power of nature to help with mental health issues.) Your GP will be able to prescribe additional medication. If you feel like you need further care, you can talk to your GP. There are even Apps that you can access from your pocket smartphone. The NHS and Every Mind Matters recommend ones and click here to get these.


Above all, remember that although you may not feel like it, you are not alone and help is there for you.







'You are not alone' Stress Awareness Day 2019
‘You are not alone’ Stress Awareness Day 2019

Celebrating our tenth business anniversary, the Astute Team are looking forward to hosting our Birthday Party in Derby this Thursday evening. We are trying to get round to as many candidates and clients who have supported us to say a huge thank you and celebrate with us over a couple of complimentary drinks and some cake!

At the helm of Astute Recruitment are the two MDs, Sarah Stevenson & Mary Maguire.


Sarah said, “It’s amazing to think that with just a couple of laptops and my redundancy money, we are now one of the leading accountancy and finance recruitment businesses across the East Midlands. Its all down to our brilliant team and I know I speak for Mary when I say I’m really proud of what we have achieved together.”


Astute Recruitment Ltd celebrate their 10th anniversary in business
Astute Recruitment Ltd celebrate their 10th anniversary in business!


If you would like any information, please contact Mary Maguire either in the office on 01332 346 100 or on her email [email protected]

Mary Maguire


As the leader of a company, you are there to set an example, to lead and inspire a team of individuals to achieve a series of business goals. But, how do these business leaders go about their daily routine? Business Leader spoke to Mary Maguire, MD of Astute Recruitment, about her working day.



If it’s a work day I am usually up by 5.30am. If it’s a weekend and the kids allow, then usually I get a lie in till 8.30/9am.



During the week I’m quite naughty, a couple of black coffees usually does the trick- the first one has to have three sugars in, after that it’s Sweetex all the way.



I cherish having half an hour to have a cup of coffee, read the news online and think about what I want to achieve that day.


Then I’ll head for a piping hot shower, check my hubby is awake and shoot off to work between 6.45am-7.15am. This way I can (usually!) avoid the traffic nightmare that is the A52 and get some work done before the team arrives.



Probably boring and predictable but I check my emails,  WhatsApp and texts. If there is something urgent – I can address it head on.



I’m old-school so I have a page-per-day diary where I write down the most important things I need to get done in order of urgency – once completed I cross them off or carry over to the next day. I think I am alone in this as the rest of my team have everything on their phones, but I’d be lost without my diary.



I always plan meetings – I really believe in the phrase “If you fail to prepare you prepare to fail”.


Even for staff 1:1’s, candidate interviews, any sort of meeting in or outside of work – you need to think why am I having this meeting and what do I want to achieve? Preparing for meetings saves time, shows you care and is the efficient, professional way to maximise results.



This depends on the day. I always have something to eat mid-morning and use that time to get away from my desk. It is definitely a good thing to have a break – just five minutes of fresh air often yields a solution to a problem or issue.



I start early and try to get home for 6pm – when I’m at home I put my mummy/ wife hat on. There are times where there is the odd call or email I have to address in the evenings, but I try and save those precious two or three hours at home to be in the moment with my kids and long-suffering husband!



Personally – my preparation is the last thing I do before leaving the office. I look at my diary and make a note of what has/ hasn’t been done – carry things forward to the next day and then I can switch off. The next time I think about the next day is the next day. This could be why I rarely have trouble going to sleep.



I hate to be predictable – but it’s my Samsung smartphone. I can use it for work emails, research ideas, check the news, draft blogs and obviously keep in touch with friends, family and work contacts. I also seem to have developed a new addiction to Candy Crush – oops!



Spending time with my kids and husband is amazing. I also have a lifelong passion for reading and art – on a rare moment of total freedom, like to sketch and draw. I also love swimming and find that doing something like swimming or art completely takes over my mind and allows me to completely ‘switch off’.



That’s a hard one – I have two and can’t choose one over the other, “Measure twice, cut once” and “Always treat others as you would wish to be treated”. I’ve always believed in these two and they have served me well both personally and professionally.


As it was Valentines Day on 14th Feb, I thought I’d ask – Are You Married to your Career?

Just like a relationship, do you find your job sapping all your energy? Is it all-consuming with you giving and giving with no gratitude in return? Do you feel that no-one is listening to you? Are you feeling unappreciated?

If that’s the case – maybe its time to find a new partner or certainly end what could be a toxic relationship!

It’s a proven fact that you are more likely on average, to spend considerably more time at work than you are with loved ones, family and partners. So it is vital that, just like a good, healthy relationship with your partner, you deserve and are entitled to have a great life partnership with your employer and career.

Some interesting facts researched by Perkbox who surveyed 2,000 professional UK Employees, discovered some disturbing findings around our relationships with work.

From the survey: –

1/ Separation Anxiety – Over HALF checked emails out of work hours whilst at home.

2/ Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO) – 1/3rd did not ‘switch off’ from work mode. Employees aged in their mid-twenties are statistically likely to work 7 hours a week extra at home on top of their normal contracted hours.

3/ Unreliable and breaking commitments – nearly 25% skipped social events with a further fifth of respondents admitting to cancelling annual holidays due to work commitments! A totally shocking 10% cited work as the reason for a total relationship breakdown.

4/ Draining our confidence, sapping energy & affecting our health & wellbeing – over 40% of professionals reported extra hours of work negatively affecting stress levels, energy levels and day to day mood. Negative effects on family life, decreased motivation and health all scored highly in nearly a 3rd of people.

So, what is to be done?

If you were talking to your friends/ family – the advice would be to look for another relationship and certainly if talking and communicating your unhappiness led to no improvements – you would quite rightly be looking for a new partner.

If you want a divorce from a toxic career relationship contact me or my team at Astute Recruitment Ltd – We are wonderful relationship councillors!


Article by Mary Maguire, MD Astute Recruitment Ltd

Originally Published on LinkedIn, February 13, 2019

Avoid storm clouds - Why cashflow is key
Avoid storm clouds – Why cashflow is key


Why cash flow is THE most important issue facing SMEs and UK PLC.

If the sudden collapse of Fly BMI on the weekend ignited my curiosity on this subject, the disturbing news today of JLR’s £4bn losses fanned the flames. Cash flow. The lifeblood of all business.

Whether an SME business or an iconic British brand, begs the question, “Why isn’t cash flow at the front and centre of every company’s and government’s business strategy?”

Tata’s executive board deserve to hang their heads in shame pillaging increasing dividends when their cash cow needed strong cash flow metrics and tighter corporate governance.

The lessons from BMI and JLR are obvious, brutal examples of what happens when a decent business, with great branding, lacks cash flow B- plans. I’m going to be controversial now, bare with me.

Fly Bmi didn’t go to the wall because of Brexit. It sank because they didn’t have a plan B for their cash flow, losing their talented team & hardworking staff.

Let’s hope JLR, their owners & Directors can craft better cash controls or UK PLC will lose another, much larger iconic brand forever and with it hundreds of supply chain businesses & jobs. A great credit controller and accounts team have never been so important.







Written by Mary Maguire


Astute Recruitment Ltd

First published on LinkedIn

Life is a series of little successes. Make sure you celebrate yours.
Life is a series of little successes. Make sure you celebrate yours.


“Life is a series of little successes. Make sure you celebrate yours”.


A quote from the latest life coach/ business guru? Nope. My husband said this to my 10 year old son.


We all have the power to inspire and encourage others in work, rest and play.


Who are you going to inspire today?


Written by Mary Maguire, MD

How to turn last year's regrets into this year's successes
How to turn last year’s regrets into this year’s successes!

How to turn last year’s regrets into THIS YEAR’s SUCCESSES!


As Alfred Lord Tennyson wrote,

Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, whispering ‘it will be happier’


HOW can you turn the regrets of yesteryear into a brilliant New Year?

First, it is about understanding what makes you truly happy.

Is it Power? Promotion? Money? A new Payrise? A new job?

Is it Love, Luck and Laughter?

Each and every one of us has a special gift, an innate ability to listen to our own unique inner voice.

If only we would listen.


I want you to try something.

Take a moment

Go on!


1/   Physically go somewhere quiet and take 3 or 4 deep, slow breaths.

2/   In complete stillness, quietly whisper to yourself what makes you truly happy?

3/   Close your eyes and visualise the moment when you were last truly happy.


If you do this properly – you will have at least the semblance of a smile on your face!


It may be the warm memory of your child’s first smile,

The face of your lover laughing

The ecstasy and thrill of a new job

Maybe it is the simple pleasure of driving your new car for the first time


For me, it was just a few days ago on Christmas Night. I’d been with my family for Christmas in Kent. That night, I turned to my husband and said “You know what? This has been the best Christmas for years.” He agreed.

What had made it so special?

All of us had been happy and content

All of us had been together sharing warmth, love and laughter

No rows

No shouting

The kids hadn’t started World War 3 (and neither had Donald Trump – yet!)

I’d managed to cook a Christmas meal that wasn’t burnt (I didn’t even forget to cook the sprouts)

No work or thoughts of work had the chance to creep into my head.

I’d had a break from the day to day

I’d had the time to just enjoy being in the moment with others I care about.

To be present and at peace

Together, with others, I’d had the chance to create lasting, happy memories to look back on.

All of us have the power within ourselves to feel great emotion, unbearable sadness, joy, happiness, love and reflection.

However, how many of us take the time to stand still.

To just ‘be in the moment’


As 2018 fades away and we are in the first throes of a New Year, take the time to think about what you have regretted in the last 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days.


What didn’t you do?

How could you have done better?

How could you have made every day, minute, every second count?

If you are stuck in a rut – how can you make small changes to make a big difference?

Could you do a new course? Gain a new qualification? Apply for that promotion? Interview for a new job?

Could you suggest new ideas to your boss that will make you stand out?


I’ll leave you with some wise words from William Shakespeare….


“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny,




Why your business needs a great Management Accountant

The dictionary definition of Management Accounts:

“A set of summarised accounting data (balance sheet, cash flow and income statement) prepared and presented (usually every month, fortnight or week) specifically for a firm’s management. The objective of management accounts is to provide timely and key financial and statistical information required by managers to make day to day and longer-term business decisions.


While financial accounts are the lifeblood of a business providing a snapshot of the income received and bank balance, it is the management accounts that truly deliver a story of where the business has been, where it is now and where it looks like heading. Management accounts are the thermometer of a business’s viability and critically it’s financial and commercial well being.

While AI is constantly looking to replace formulaic accounting there can be no substitute for a strong management accountant and true finance business partner to be the bellwether of a company’s performance.

Here at my company, Astute Recruitment, we have noticed an increased demand from SME business owners and Finance Directors for truly strong Management Accountants / Financial Business Partners – to go through the numbers, genuinely understand the ebbs and flows to provide the senior management team with clear, succinct, accurate information to genuinely impact the bottom line. People who can liaise with key internal and external stakeholders, providing them with meaningful operational information but who can also challenge the status quo to improve performance further.

If you are a Part Qualified/ Qualified Management Accountant who is looking for a genuine chance to add value and perform a true management accounting service for a great business, please contact Andy Lilliman or I for a confidential chat on 01332 346 100 or by email: [email protected] OR  [email protected]

We have a number of brilliant roles at the moment with client’s keen to interview before the Christmas Holidays!

10th of the 10th – World Mental Health Day – What does that mean to you?
10th of the 10th – World Mental Health Day – What does that mean to you?

10th of the 10th  – World Mental Health Day – What does that mean to you?

Mental health is no friend of age, race, creed or colour.

It does not discriminate between male and female.

It does not care if you are rich or poor.

But you or I should.

Look around your office. If you have a team of 4+ staff, on average, one of you will be affected by Mental Health.

Those are the hard facts.

So, don’t dismiss the 10th of the 10th.

Instead think about your work colleagues, friends, family and neighbours. Think about whether a friendly word, smile, some small act of re-assurance or a kindly deed could just make that all important difference to someone not in your sphere of happiness.

That’s what World Mental Health Day is about, and what every single day is about too.

I hope this article resonates with some of you reading this and if even a few are motivated to make a difference, no matter how small, to someone, the 10th of the 10th will be worthwhile. If you are someone who is affected by Mental Health – hopefully, these few words will sustain, encourage and give you the confidence to know you are not alone and there ARE people who care.

Just one of the many charities specialising in Mental Health is https://www.mqmentalhealth.org/ where you can find out more about the issues and how these can be overcome.


By Mary Maguire

MD – Astute Recruitment Ltd


Have you heard about our triple-point guarantee. Article featured in AGENDA magazine's Autumn Edition 2018
Have you heard about our Triple-Point Guarantee? Article featured in AGENDA magazine’s Autumn Edition 2018

Astute Recruitment in Queen Street is re-inventing the way recruiters are seen with a unique ‘Triple Point Guarantee’, which offers clients £500 in cash should their vacancy not be filled in time.


The service is being offered to companies with a permanent role available which choose Astute as their sole recruiter for an agreed time period and is the first policy of its kind to be offered by a recruiter anywhere in the UK.


Mary Maguire, MD of Astute Recruitment said: “We really want to set ourselves apart from our competitors and demonstrate our commitment to offering value and high standards of service.”


“We work across the East Midlands with a great number of SME’s locally, so anything we can do to support our clients and make a real difference to their business, we will embrace and the Triple Point Guarantee is exactly that.”


“As well as the £500 payment, we also offer free replacements and pro-rata fee rebates if a candidate leaves the role in the first eight weeks of placement.”


“We pride ourselves on being able to place the right people in the right roles – this policy demonstrates how confident we are in this and gives clients peace of mind.”


Astute has worked to secure more than 1500 jobs for local businesses and is continuing to go from strength to strength, hiring three new consultants in the last six months and launching a highly successful commercial division.